Coordination exercises for Rock drumming
Introduction to the video drum lesson: Basic Rock 4
The drum sheet of this lesson about coordination in Rock drumming, contains combinations of kick and snare drum strokes.
In this fourth series of exercises dealing with rock drumming coordination, you'll find various patterns with
the steady quadruplets played by the right hand on the ride cymbal, and with the hi-hat playing on every bar second and fourth fourth.
In the drum sheet the exercises add single strokes combinations within the eights and the sixteenths played by the left hand on the snare and by the bass drum.

Drum sheet music Basic Rock 4 File ZIP
Learn to read the drum sheet music
Drum set elements
The graphic symbols of drum set elements in drum sheet music.
Notes and Rests
Notes and rests value in drum sheet music.
Tie and Dot
Tie and dot in drum sheet music.