Exercises on the snare drum with single strokes
Introduction to the video drum lesson: Single stroke 2
In the music chart of this lesson you'll find some exercises on the snare drum, with combinations of single strokes.
The second drum lesson dealing with single strokes shows some exercises about fourths, eights and triplets of sixteenths.
To develop speed, endurance and precision, like before you should play every exercise slowly at first, increasing the speed
only when you find equality of the strokes and precision with the maximum looseness.
For a deeper study you should play the exercises in the drum sheet inverting the hands and,
after you have learnt them singularly, play all the nine exercises consecutively.
Drum sheet music Single stroke 2 File ZIP
Learn to read the drum sheet music
Drum set elements
The graphic symbols of drum set elements in drum sheet music.
Notes and Rests
Notes and rests value in drum sheet music.
Tie and Dot
Tie and dot in drum sheet music.