Samba beats, rhythms of Brazilian Carnival
Introduction to the video drum lesson: Samba drum beats
The sheet of this lesson contains some Samba beats, rhythms from Brazilian percussion tradition adapted for the drum set
The origins of Samba, as well as those of other rhythms from Brazil and South american and Caribbean countries, date back to the days of Africa's colonization and African slaves'
deportation: they spread worships and dances from their countries of origin, and mixed them with European culture and local Indians' traditions.
Samba was, at first, the exclusive music by the black slaves in the rural zones and in Salvador de Bahia, the dock where ships from Africa arrived. Only in later times Samba became Brazil's
official music, much played in the big cities, particularly in Rio de Janeiro where it became the rhythm that, to this day, is the soundtrack to the greatest Carnival in the world.
Samba is traditionally written in 2/4 and it's a collective rhythm where many Brazilian percussion instruments are used: cuica, surdo, tamborim, pandeiro, ganza, ago-go bells.
In the drum sheet of this video lesson we'll show you some Samba beats for drums.

Drum sheet music Samba drum beats File ZIP
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